Ratepayers’ & Residents’ Association News Bulletin

News Bulletin June 2023

Warm greetings to everyone in the Ramsgate community, and many thanks to you, the Residents, Ratepayers, Business owners and all of you who have invested in our lovely town, Ramsgate!

We wanted to update you on what has been happening with the RRRA recently. As you may be aware, an AGM of the RRRA was called in April, and was well attended. Following the AGM, ten ratepayers and residents joined the remaining four members of the old committee and after two subsequent meetings we have formed a dynamic, vibrant team of volunteers called “the operational committee (with a focus on “operating”!) that aims to serve you and the community of Ramsgate in general.

The RRRA operational committee has now formed working portfolios including Sales, Marketing and Communications (SMC), Finance, Local Government LG) and Beaches and Beach Infrastructure (BBI) The Projects portfolio is still being finalized. The SMC team is working with the other NGOs to streamline the different media platforms in order to post regular updates to as many of you as we can. 

The RNM/RRRA joint venture (JV) formed to refurbish the ablutions at Big Tree beach has completed the project, and the toilets look very good and work well. As a continuation we are planning a gravity-fed standby water supply to combat electricity and water outages. This will require extra funding and we will expand on this in a future news bulletin. 

The Ramsgate Urban Development Precinct (RUDP) is a registered company comprising of two directors selected from the NGO’s working in Ramsgate, that is from the RRRA (i.e. us!), Ramsgate Tourism (RT), Ramsgate Conservancy (RC) and the Community Policing Forum (CPF) The RUDP is responsible for allocating funds received from ratepayers via Ray Nkonyeni Municipality (RNM), with the majority of funds going to the CPF. The RUDP committee has also met recently and is committed to working together for the common cause, the Ramsgate Community. Alan Bosch, our hard-working local counsellor, attends our meetings when he can, as an interested observer, and is able to update and advise us. We aim to build strong relationships with the other NGOs – watch this space!

Please use the new email address RRRA@ramsgate.co.za for any enquiries or concerns, and we will reply accordingly.

Until next time, best wishes to all my fellow Ramsgatians! 

       Bob Black 


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